Ahhh...I deserve a break!

Thank God, I am more than halfway done with my daily tasks at home for the usual routines after the usual travel aftermaths :). I mean, laundry, cleaning, fixing of clothes and putting them back in the closet, etc...tiring! I even missed more than 2 days of blogging some opportunities but I hope I can cope up. I have pending opps on standby which are expiring, and I do post them one at a time. In between rests from work, I can post a couple, which is so far so good.
This is usually the case when a schedule for travel is on my calendar because I do experience the before and aftermaths Lol!
Anyway, everything seems to be running smoothly okay, so I shouldn't be ranting about it. Afterall, I did have a good and lots of fun in Hollywood! :).


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