Just wondering...

Sometimes, I find PPP's opps a bit weird...I mean, aside from clicking a white color opp (my most favorite color), it says "All of the available posts for that opportunity have already been taken." Then when I get to view it, it is still white. Now, that's making me crazy at times!
Then, I receive offers worth $5 for my PR3 blog, while all of the reserved offers for a non PR blogs and no excluded domains are mostly $15 - $30 worth. Those offers are even for subdomains. What does that mean? That subdomains are being offered higher opps now? Well, I got blogs with subdomains, but I can't even grab one...it's always gray until it disappears. Just imagine, now I am getting 20+ offers...all gray! Eekk!
I think PPP has to work on how offers can be given to posties when it comes to pricing? Oh well, this must be a thing that have to be addressed in the proper quorum, I guess. Anyway, I grab one $5 today...with a PR3 blog! YAY!!! :0


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