C'elle Menstrual Stem Cell Introductory Offer

Have you heard about C'elle's latest patented technology? This is somewhat like an interesting topic to know specially to all women. Well, I think it's time for us to know All About C'elle. At first, it might perhaps sound like eewwww!...unsanitary waste, right? Imagine, when you think you are collecting bloody stem cells?...from menstrual blood? My apology for this post but it might be sensitive to some. But talking about collecting stem cells found naturally in menstrual blood is considered to be life-saving. This innovative C'elle service provides women with opportunity to build their own wellness and personal healthcare investment portfolio. C'elle comes in a kit with easy-to-follow instructions for the collection and transport of specimen to a highly state-of-the-art laboratory for processing, isolation and cryo-preservation.
Did you know that stem cells from menstrual blood is highly potential in treating a host of life threatening and debilitating medical conditions such as diabetes, stroke, heart disease, neurological disorders, osteoporosis and even spinal cord injury? On the other hand, you can as well earn extra income. Become C'elle Distributor and start offering your clients the latest innovation. Start joining the revolution today!...Become C'elle Distributor.
Did you know that stem cells from menstrual blood is highly potential in treating a host of life threatening and debilitating medical conditions such as diabetes, stroke, heart disease, neurological disorders, osteoporosis and even spinal cord injury? On the other hand, you can as well earn extra income. Become C'elle Distributor and start offering your clients the latest innovation. Start joining the revolution today!...Become C'elle Distributor.