MultiLingual Cannabis Seed Shop
Flying Dutchmen Seed Company is the oldest cultivator of The Pure and many other cannabis strains in Amsterdam. The company opened in 1998 with a retailing business of top quality cannabis seeds. These seeds are considered to be high quality seeds grown out in greenhouses and are carefully selected and maintained. These best ones will then undergo through strain breeding and ultimately be produced as F1 hybrids. Another term for this seed is also called in German term as hanfsamen or Cannabis Samen which in English is being popularly known as cannabis seeds. In French, it is called graine de cannabis. You can browse all the plants on their page for more details of each plants or breeds. You might be wondering why the site pages of the Flying Dutchmen has several languages. If you are US-based and speaks only English, don't panic when you encounter "alien" terms on some pages because Flying Dutchmen is going multilingual! :). That means they offer full multilingual support in 7 different languages, the major languages which are English, French and German. So, if you want to order online, you can conveniently do so in your own language.