Wake Your Garden Back Up To Life

Well, spring has finally come! Garden fanatics will soon be crowding outdoors for their gardens. Then, the colors would soon start blooming.

For me, it's a big yey! for the season. I do love flowers and gardens. I am highly appreciative of them. But the fact that I can't seem to have that "green thumb" effect of planting made me avoid myself being a gardener. So, I am just on that part where I become the "encouragement" for those who love to do gardening and those gifted with a "green thumb" so to speak ;).

I hope you can gain a bit of help (if not all) from these tips I will be sharing.
So, after the threat of frost has finally ended, you should begin pruning your garden, trees or shrubs around your home and start fertilizing the roots.

Start sowing your seedlings if you feel that the soil is already soft enough to crumble in your hand. The most ideal ones to grow would be pansies. They do well in sunny areas. Try primproses as well which are very ideal in shade. They can add early colors to your garden as well.

Have fun in the garden...happy spring!


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