Spotting Trouble On Your Kids And How To Fix It

The possible onset is at age 9 or younger, but also more common during adolescence stage.

What's Normal:
Sometimes kids are just moody and sensitive. Sadness caused by a certain situation can also be making them depressed, provided that the child can adjust and moves on.

What's Not Normal:
Symptoms can be irritability, loss of appetite and energy, feelings of worthlessness, difficulty of getting sleep and inability to feel enjoyment. Suicidal tendencies are also signs.

Cognitive therapy is a recommendation. to help them reframe feelings and change perspectives. Drugs are possibly used as an adjunct to treatment but decision must be made carefully whether to be implemented or not.

General Anxiety Disorder
It can strike to all ages. but more common in childhood to middle age.

What's Normal:
Kids can be highly anxious at 8 months, 2 years and 5 years which are all part of the process of learning, and all should pass.

What's Not Normal:
It can be true symptoms of anxiety when kids beyond the age of 5 can't still let go of Mom or Dad. One vital key test to know is to ask the question; "Does my kid eventually function in social settings or withdraw completely?"

Cognitive, as well as acceptance and commitment therapies can help which teach kids to tolerate discomfort.

Obessive-Compulsive Disorder
The usual median is 19, but younger ones can have them too.

What's Normal:
OCD-type behaviors under age 8 are usually not a concern since rituals are part of growing up. Even when kids grow older, don't confuse tidiness with obsessiveness or common hand-washing with compulsiveness.

What's Not Normal:
When rituals and anxieties start to obstruct child's happiness or ability to engage in activities, it's time to seek help.

Kids should be exposed and response prevention can help kids tolerate uncertainty. Drugs can be an option as well, but not the first resort.

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