Considering To Take Your Groom's Name? Or Yours?
Most women do! I did too! :)
But some have personal choices not to. But if you are considering sticking on your name, think it carefully. Your decision can help you by considering the long-term implications for your family, marriage, career, finances, children and relationships.
Make sure to discuss whether or not you'll be changing your name with your future in-laws and parents before the wedding. If you are not changing it, be sensitive to your groom's family, particularly if they were expecting you to be the newest "Mrs. Green."
If you choose not to change it, check your jurisdiction in your city hall to find out about the name-changing process in your area.
Plan on filing papers either locally or online at least 30-90 days before your wedding.
Take note that you can't get your marriage certificate on the day you got married, but will be mailed to you few weeks later. But you can already use your new married name as soon as you sign the license.
Once you have your marriage certificate in hand, notify your institution that has your name on file, - such as the Social Security office, DMV, the IRS, your employer, etc...