Family Survival Skills - Always a Must!

If an unexpected disaster were to strike tomorrow, what do you think should you do? There are some key steps that every family should be aware of. So, while time still gives us the chance, let's grab it.

First, a communication plan should be created, like who in your family has the most access to the news and is most decisive, and is most reachable? That person will be considered your family marshal and has the chain of command. You can also choose a family meeting place: say one close to home like a friend on the other side of town and another a further away like your brother's or aunt's, 10 miles away).

Scan some vital documents you own such as birth certificates, passports, marriage license and wills, then store the files on a web-based data storage system including thumb drives, then make paper copies for your go bag.

Creating a go bag is essential to store important stuff you need. Update your bag periodically with seasonally appropriate clothings, prescriptions, etc...treat it as a living thing and not something to be stored in the closet and catch some dirt.


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