Let's Get Growing
Plant lovers, here's some lowdown on vines, pots and pests.
- A good vine to plant against the house: - you can choose either Carolina jessamine, polyanthus jasmine, and star jasmine. They cling by twining up narrow slats, or with tendrils.
- What about growing a plant in your front yard that's drought-tolerant? - If the place is sunny, plant a mix of vibrant perennials such as lion's tail, catmint, lavender, penstemon or Santa Barbara daisy. You can as well choose bearberry and Carmel Creeper ceanothus. For a soothing look under the sun, try rivers of Festuca glauca among boulders, or if it's partially sunny and partially shady, plant bluish green Dymondia margaretae against a backdrop of strapping phormiums.
- Veggies and fruit trees that we can grow in big pots:
Carrots (round variety), lettuce and parsley grow well in pots. Plant them in mild climates. Fruits such as Citrus, - like kumquats and Improved Meyer lemon are good choices. Let them grow in an 18-inches diameter container and give them full sun and protect them from winter frosts.
- Keep animals out from destroying your plants: - Watch out for racoon or squirrels. Both these critters love to try all kinds of crops, - apples, grapes, etc...If you have squash growing on the ground, protect it with row-cover fabric propped up on stakes or build a chicken wire cage around the plant.