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Getting To Know Your "Cape May Diamonds"!

One interesting trip you should try is to visit Cape May, New Jersey and head down to Sunset Beach at the end tip of Sunset Blvd. It is here where you can find a pure quartz crystal looking like a white frosted pebble, made out from a natural stone. These stones can be best seen and are often collected by many visitors just off-shore of Sunset Beach, close to the sunken ship, - the S.S. Atlantus. They come ashore continously making thousands of visitors each year to collect them. Right where I am standing at is the actual area where these stones are located. When the stones are tumbled and cut, these quartz pebbles turn into clear sparkling gems and are called "Cape May Diamonds." The best time to collect is on cold, windy days or just after storms. It was windy when we were there, and some people were able to find some small pebbles ;). I got NADA!...I couldn't bear the cold and wind. Lol! But if you are persistent enough to go "diamond hunting...

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